Friday, May 29, 2009
New site up and running!
be sure to swing over and join the community and voice your thoughts, photos and footy. Hope to see you there soon!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Scooter tailwhip wallenburg...
this post is only meant to show the slam.. but the rest comes with it.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
So when was the last time you saw a monkey turn into a human? Millions of years huh? How long would a monkey have to live to ''evolve''? Money, ape, whatever. Why haven't any monkeys transformed in the last thousand years then? since it takes so long, surely some should be evolving right now. No we should be evolving by that theory. WHERE THE EFF ARE MY WINGS? No, the answer is there is a god. The better question is this. Would you much rather believe that Hod created man, or would you believe a explosion created life. Since when does that happen? A atom caused an explosion right? OK, so why didn't any atomic bombs bring life too? Since when do explosions create worlds with living things on them? Yeah, I'd much rather believe in God
Posted by bigbrooklyn on May 19, 2009 3:17 PM
You can see more replies to the article here: http://www.nydailynews.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=59916#ixzz0G51IK6PE&B
This particular comment is 2nd rfom the bottom on the first page, and he continues to post throughout the next 33 pages. Enjoy.
Missing link found? Scientists unveil fossil of 47 million-year-old primate, Darwinius masillae
Monday, May 18, 2009
Some Renegade Featured in Swimmer's Ear
Also Featured are Real's new Am Davis Torgerson and his buddy Dan Narloch from MN.
Check it out here at http://issuu.com/subtitlespub/docs/se24web2
Mark Snappa Holland
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
How to Make a Can of Beer Flow Better
First take your can of beer and drink at least ¼ of the beer.

Next take off the top of the can by shifting it back and forth until it comes off.

Next, notice that the top of the tap has two little jagged edges on the top. This is important for the next step.

Next use one of the top edges of the tap and rub it back and forth until it cuts a slit into the top of the can.

The tap should then rest in the top of the can and enjoy your nice delicious cold flowing brew.

This post was HIJACKED! from how2dostuff.blogspot.com
It's a very cool site, I suggest you all check it out. plenty of random interesting things.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Red Bull Manny Mania List Of Skaters
New Yorkers should prepare for a two-wheel rumble, as Red Bull Manny Mania returns with a heavy-hitting line up of pro skaters ready to fight for the crown at the capstone event of Skateboard Weekend in Manhattan.
Last year, skateboarding pro Joey Brezinski battled it out with Brandon Biebel for top honors, after taking second place in 2007 to Ronnie Creager. Competition will be in the air as this year marks the return of Creager as well as Biebel and a number of newcomers. Last year’s reigning champ will sure feel the pressure with returning guests like pro Stevie Williams, who admits he’s been training for months, revving up the competition.
In its third year, Red Bull Manny Mania will showcase more pros and bigger names involved as the Skateboard Weekend progresses to a four day affair. Skate scene legends Jeff Pang and Dave Ortiz return to MC the event and three generations of East Coast talent will serve as judges: Stereo’s Chris Pastras, Zoo York’s Donny Barley and Queens native Rodney Torres. Also on the 1s and 2s is no other than NYC music luminary, Bobbito Garcia.
Red Bull Manny Mania caps off a weekend full of festivities, starting on Thursday with the premiere of Zoo York’s “State of Mind,” the 5boro 13 Year Anniversary Party on Friday, and Saturday’s 5Boro’s Back To The Banks Jam.
Come Sunday, June 7th, the Manhattan Bridge will be rocking with all the skate talent gathered in one spot. They might want to reinforce the pillars.
Red Bull Manny Mania
Free to the public
June 7, 2009 at 3pm
Coleman Park, underneath the Manhattan Bridge at intersection of Pike St & Monroe St.
Confirmed skaters*
Adelmo Jr, Anthony Correa, Brandon Biebel, Chico Brenes, Chris Roberts, Danny Falla, Eli Reed, Forrest Kirby, Gary Smith, Guillaume Dulout, Jack Curtin, Jahmal Williams, Javier Nunez, Jereme Rogers, Joey Brezinski, Joey Pepper, Josh Kalis, Karl Watson, Kelly Hart, Kenny Anderson, Kyle Leeper, Lenny Rivas, Malcolm Watson, Philip Schuster, Rob Gonzales, Rodrigo Peterson, Rodrigo Tx, Ronnie Creager, Shuriken Shannon, Stevie Williams, Tim O’Connor, Vincent Bressol, Zered Bassett
*subject to change
Source: TWS> http://skateboarding.transworld.net/2009/05/07/red-bull-manny-mania-list-of-skaters/
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Smell The Crete Premiere
Mystery's Video!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Looks a hell of a lot better than "Nothing But The Truth"
Brother Joseph shreddin the ramp
Just popped up on my radar. Here is Bro Odendahl skating the miniramp at Renegade skatepark
Monday, May 4, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Get LSP news on your site!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter
yet another great video brought to my attention by none other than Dylan Jones himself
Monday, April 27, 2009
Bacon Sandwiches Speed Up Hangover Recovery
British researchers found that eating concentrated doses of carbohydrates and protein after some "over indulgence" can speed up your metabolism and provide the amino acids needed to start feeling better. BLT for breakfast, anyone?
Photo by amagill.
Any amateur college biologist will suggest "heavy" or "greasy" food the morning after a long night out, as it "soaks up" the remaining alcohol in your system—or something like that, it's hard to remember. Newcastle University researchers suggest that age-old remedy is rooted in how the protein provided by bacon and other meats is broken down into amino acids, which in turn replenish the nerotransmitters depleted by a long night of drinking.
Something to keep in mind, then, for the long-term planning of a big night on the town. Any vegetarians in the crowd want to
(Taken from: http://lifehacker.com/5225910/bacon-sandwiches-can-speed-up-hangover-recovery)
LSP will be moving sooner than expected!
See you around!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Delaminated: Taylor McCloskey

Charlie Hussman: Hey
Taylor McCloskey: Hey
CH: So tell me about yourself.
Did you grow up in Northfield?
Who do you ride for?
TM: Alright. Well, I was born in Faribault and I live in Faribault now, but I will not be living in Faribault in the future. I am 18 yrs. of age and my sponsors are Renegade most obvious and Conquer Clothing from Mursfreeburo, TN.
I only lived in Northfield for 3 years.
CH: What's it like working for the company you ride for?
TM: It has a different perspective. I now know more about the retail side of the skate industry now.
CH: Is there anyone else on the team that works there too?
TM: Tyler Benson and Nate Paulson.
Jake Perrizo, Billy Meyer, and I also do lessons and skate camps on command.
CH: You guys all live in the same building as well. Does it ever get annoying constantly being around the same people?
TM: Yeah, especially when Nate looks at porn all the time. He's on right now... nawh, they're cool.
We partayyy! A lot.

CH: What’s the craziest thing you've seen at one of the parties?
TM: One night two girls borrowed Nate's bed to do some scissoring.
And most of the team has been here.
CH: The last party I was at Tyler Benson tried to put me in the sink.
TM: Haha yea. He told me about that.
CH: Is the scissor thing really true?
TM: Haha, yeah.
CH: Did you get to see it or were they all like shut the door?
TM: They shut the door. And Nate came in later, and said "Hey, that's my bed…Isn't it?"
CH: If you weren’t into skating, what would you be doing?
TM: Probably some other extreme sport, like snowboarding. I can't see myself doing anything else long term.
CH: What about extreme scootering?
TM: How about extreme tree climbing?
CH: Besides partying with scissor sisters and work/skating at Renegade, what else are you into?
TM: I work at Taco John's, I am a senior in high school. I have a girlfriend that's typing this right now because I'm too lazy. And I like to sleep!
CH: So I’m actually interviewing your girlfriend?
TM: No, He's telling me exactly what to say.
CH: Nice… Alright, I heard you have a contest named after you. What’s that about?
TM: Yeah. They started calling me Mclovin and I won the "No Name" O.U.T contest,
so it's now named after me for next year.
CH: So from now on is it going to be called the Mclovin out contest or is it going to change every year?
TM: I think next year it will have my name because I'll win. Just kidding. I think it changes.

CH: Who are some of your biggest influences in skating, local and non-local?
TM: God, because he has a plan for everybody and this is my plan so far. It takes a lot of stress away and, for local, Billy Meyer because he always encouraged me.
CH: I never knew you were religious. What got you into that?
TM: My parents when I was a child brought me to church I became confused and didn't believe for a few years then Billy Meyer helped explain a lot of questions and got me back into faith.
CH: What confused you?
TM: That reminds me about Tyler and Billy Meyer's religious feuds.
Tyler's argument once said that he believed in particles.
A lot of stuff confused me.
CH: I asked you who your influences in skateboarding were, are there any human ones? Besides Billy?
Mine are Clint Peterson and Kenny Reed
TM: I don’t know. My parents and Rodney Mullen were inspiring when I was growing up. My favorite skaters right now are Bastien Salabanzi and Chris Cole
CH: How long have you been skating?
TM: I've been skating around 6 years.
CH: What stance are you?
CH: Do you think it's harder to make it big skateboarding in Minnesota than say… California?
TM: No, Minnesota doesn't have a lot of skaters compared to California.
California has year-round skating though and more spots and companies.
CH: That’s very true, Mike inspired this last question. If you had a package of ramen noodles and were in the middle of the woods, what would you do with it?
TM: Eat it? Is that a trick question or a joke?
CH: You would just eat it dry?
TM: Yes. I do it anyways
I’d eat anything.
Food is great!
CH: Any last words?
TM: Brittnee is sexy.
(Photos taken by Nick*L3P)
The weirdest thing you'll skate

My buddy Nate and myself sat around the park today thinking of what to build with the random wood in the back of his van. So we conjured something up in which the likes of no man has built. The half-assed plan of a weird lopsided 1/4 pipe with wallie banks developed into what was definitely THE MOST AWKWARD thing i've ever built. And since we really had no idea of what we were actually building, wingin' was all we could do. And That's what we came up with. A weird ass wallie-pyramid-hip-45degree 1/4 pipe.
Well we also haven't come up with a name for this abomination. So if you got an idea. Drop a comment lettin me know what it is. Whenever we choose the winner we'll post it up and... do some other shit. Who knows. Get Some!
(ps: Nate's hosts a good computer ... 'tech" site or whatever he wants to call it. Head on over and check it out at http://thegeekylife.blogspot.com
got some random interesting things you can do with your computer and other random shit.)
Monday, April 13, 2009
Renegade Skatepark's 2 Year Anniversary!
The Bacon Team will be there handing some lovely strips of Bacon and other goods, as well and much more swag from the park's other sponsors. So stop by, get your skate on, meet the Bacon crew, and maybe come home with some free swag or a cool story.
Here's your damn flyer!
Benji Galloway...
taking a break from winning this year's Bowlrider's Cup to sesh a chill mini-ramp set upat the North Georiga Skatepark. give it a look see :)
Check out these sweet Bacon tats!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Not new, but not forgotten! Steven Reeves Movin' Up!
go give him some love
Not giving a fuck is AWESOME!!!
Jon Lajoie. Get into him.
Comedian from Canada. YT account ES: http://www.youtube.com/user/jonlajoie
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Check out Kowalski!
Just popped up on Bacon's site today. Here he is doing one massive Madonna in Lincoln City.
More at Bacon Skateboards
Monday, April 6, 2009
Top Fives with: Dylan Jones
(FS Air Photo: Dylan Sun)
Name: Dylan T Jones
Age: 18
Location: Outside Austin Texas
Years Skating: In 2010 it will be 9years
Sponsors: A-minus skateboards, District sk8 supply, Positive creations clothing, Goodlife Wheels, And Etnies shoes.
Skaters: (In No Order)
2.Kristian Svitak
3.Jason adams
4.Matt Hensley
6.Paulo Diaz/Quim cardona/Ed templeton
Things to Skate:
1.Manual pads/ledge pads
2.Ditchs with parking blocks atop
5.Not stairs
Videos: (In No Order)
1.Label Kills
2.Turn up the hell
3.Pig Wood Slaughter House
4.This N That
5.Tincan Folklore
Bands: (In no Order)
1. Suicidal Tendencies
2. Minor threat
3. Guns N Roses
4. Pink Floyd
5. The Clash
Meals: (In no Order)
1.Wendys Spicy Chicken sandwichs
2.Home made burritos
3. Assorted sandwichs
4. Any candy
5. More candy
Activites outside of skating:
1. Uh?
2.Playing with pug
3.Watching movies with my dad
4.Filming and Writing for college
Worst Jobs:
1.Haven't had one
4.Picking up dog poop?
5. Jumping stair sets
LSP:Anything else you might like to add?
DJ:I'm not an asshole. I'm just very open with my opinions.
Oh and Support "Don't Do It".