Charlie Hussman: Hey
Taylor McCloskey: Hey
CH: So tell me about yourself.
Did you grow up in Northfield?
Who do you ride for?
TM: Alright. Well, I was born in Faribault and I live in Faribault now, but I will not be living in Faribault in the future. I am 18 yrs. of age and my sponsors are Renegade most obvious and Conquer Clothing from Mursfreeburo, TN.
I only lived in Northfield for 3 years.
CH: What's it like working for the company you ride for?
TM: It has a different perspective. I now know more about the retail side of the skate industry now.
CH: Is there anyone else on the team that works there too?
TM: Tyler Benson and Nate Paulson.
Jake Perrizo, Billy Meyer, and I also do lessons and skate camps on command.
CH: You guys all live in the same building as well. Does it ever get annoying constantly being around the same people?
TM: Yeah, especially when Nate looks at porn all the time. He's on right now... nawh, they're cool.
We partayyy! A lot.

CH: What’s the craziest thing you've seen at one of the parties?
TM: One night two girls borrowed Nate's bed to do some scissoring.
And most of the team has been here.
CH: The last party I was at Tyler Benson tried to put me in the sink.
TM: Haha yea. He told me about that.
CH: Is the scissor thing really true?
TM: Haha, yeah.
CH: Did you get to see it or were they all like shut the door?
TM: They shut the door. And Nate came in later, and said "Hey, that's my bed…Isn't it?"
CH: If you weren’t into skating, what would you be doing?
TM: Probably some other extreme sport, like snowboarding. I can't see myself doing anything else long term.
CH: What about extreme scootering?
TM: How about extreme tree climbing?
CH: Besides partying with scissor sisters and work/skating at Renegade, what else are you into?
TM: I work at Taco John's, I am a senior in high school. I have a girlfriend that's typing this right now because I'm too lazy. And I like to sleep!
CH: So I’m actually interviewing your girlfriend?
TM: No, He's telling me exactly what to say.
CH: Nice… Alright, I heard you have a contest named after you. What’s that about?
TM: Yeah. They started calling me Mclovin and I won the "No Name" O.U.T contest,
so it's now named after me for next year.
CH: So from now on is it going to be called the Mclovin out contest or is it going to change every year?
TM: I think next year it will have my name because I'll win. Just kidding. I think it changes.

CH: Who are some of your biggest influences in skating, local and non-local?
TM: God, because he has a plan for everybody and this is my plan so far. It takes a lot of stress away and, for local, Billy Meyer because he always encouraged me.
CH: I never knew you were religious. What got you into that?
TM: My parents when I was a child brought me to church I became confused and didn't believe for a few years then Billy Meyer helped explain a lot of questions and got me back into faith.
CH: What confused you?
TM: That reminds me about Tyler and Billy Meyer's religious feuds.
Tyler's argument once said that he believed in particles.
A lot of stuff confused me.
CH: I asked you who your influences in skateboarding were, are there any human ones? Besides Billy?
Mine are Clint Peterson and Kenny Reed
TM: I don’t know. My parents and Rodney Mullen were inspiring when I was growing up. My favorite skaters right now are Bastien Salabanzi and Chris Cole
CH: How long have you been skating?
TM: I've been skating around 6 years.
CH: What stance are you?
CH: Do you think it's harder to make it big skateboarding in Minnesota than say… California?
TM: No, Minnesota doesn't have a lot of skaters compared to California.
California has year-round skating though and more spots and companies.
CH: That’s very true, Mike inspired this last question. If you had a package of ramen noodles and were in the middle of the woods, what would you do with it?
TM: Eat it? Is that a trick question or a joke?
CH: You would just eat it dry?
TM: Yes. I do it anyways
I’d eat anything.
Food is great!
CH: Any last words?
TM: Brittnee is sexy.
(Photos taken by Nick*L3P)
the best part is that I don't really watch porn all that much haha. like not even once a week